The fruit changes colour from green when young to black/purplish when mature. This small fruit has a high nutritional value as it packs a good amount of protein, fibre and it also contains phenol, tritepenoid, essential oils, asiri oils, jambosine, organic acid, oleanolic acid, tannin, anthocyanin, ellagic acid and flavonoids. It has minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. It is also very rich in vitamin C withm significant amounts of riboflavin, niacin, thiamine and vitamin B6.

Natural Blood Purifier

Jamun is a natural blood purifier. The iron present in the fruit ensures that oxygenated blood with a good amount of haemoglobin reaches the various parts of the body. Clear skin is a sign of pure blood. Even applying a paste of the powder of Jamun seeds helps to reduce acne and chances of recurrences reduce.

Good For Gums And Teeth

Since Jamun has an abundance of vitamin C, it's excellent for the teeth and gums. Vitamin C helps cure wounds like bleeding gums. The antibacterial property of the juice helps wade off any bacteria that might enter through the mouth, preventing bad-breath issues as well.

Benefits Diabetics

Jamun has a low gylcemic index. This means it doesn't mess with your blood sugar levels and keeps it from spiking up. Jamun also has oleanolic acid which has anti-diabetic properties which
help to reduce symptoms of diabetes, like urination and excess thirst. It also slows down the accumulation of sugar and lipids in the blood.

Increases Stamina

Jamun juice is good for increasing the overall stamina in the body. It helps in treatment of anaemia, and is also excellent for sexual stamina. The juice is mixed with honey and amla juice and has to be consumed every night before going to bed. This juice also prevents pain and inflammation because the free radicals are eliminated. It also helps cure urinary disorders and intestinal worming.