There is absolutely no question that cranberries are a magical fruit. With an assortment of medicinal properties, the cranberries can treat an array of health complication. This tiny red colored, shiny fruit
is sour in taste. Cranberries are rich in iron, calcium, potassium, minerals, vitamin Bs and vitamin C. This fruit is powerful and should be eaten regularly as it can fight against several health issues and some of that are given here

Good for Oral Hygiene
If you wish to stay away from any sort of dental problem, start eating cranberries. It is ideal for treating plaque formation, cavities and initial level gum disease.

Kidney and Bladder Problem
Kidney stones and bladder problems are horrific and painful. Cranberries have citric acid and other nutrients that can help steer you clear of bladder complications. Plus, they can also help prevent your kidneys from forming kidney stones.

Good for the Heart
Cranberries are really good for your heart as they contain various powerful minerals and enzymes that can help lower bad cholesterol from lining and blocking your arteries. Heart problems are common due to lack of exercise and other unhealthy practices.

Fights Cancer
There are different types of cancers; however, it is important to understand that all the symptoms associated with cancer form due to the massive prevalence of free radical cells. These are bad cells that infect other cells, eventually degrading your immune system. As per different independent medical studies, it was observed that drinking cranberry juice can kill free radical cells that are associated with developing symptoms of breast cancer.

For Weight Loss
Being over-weight stays atop among all other health problems. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables are always suggested to shred extra pounds in a healthy way adding cranberries to it can double the benefits. They are rich in antioxidants, which flush out toxins from the body. This process improves the digestive system and metabolism, which automatically leads to weight loss.